Service Line Fees
ERPUD guidelines for residential and commercial service.

Prior to the installation of a new natural gas service line, an ERPUD representative will be sent to the location to verify natural gas availability and determine the proposed location for the new service line and meter.
The owner or applicant, having proper authority, will be required to pay applicable tap fees for all new services. Tap fees include 200 feet of service from the property line to a standard meter location as determined by an ERPUD Representative.
Tap Fees:
No charge
Small Commercial
Large Commercial, Industrial
- (2” service line)
- (4” service line)
- (6" service line)
¾” - 1" service line
$4.00 per linear foot
2” service line
$8.00 per linear foot
4” service line
$12.00 per linear foot
6" service line
$24.00 per linear foot
A service line that has been inactive for a period of five (5) years or more will be treated as a new service line if replacement is necessary. New services for Federal, State or Local government facilities will not be required to pay a tap fee or service line fee up to 200 feet. The cost for additional footage beyond 200 feet will be determined by the schedule.